Kamis, 19 November 2009

demand letter goods

Our ref: PT / ag

corporate partners
road sentosa
Jakarta 13560
20 December 2009

jaya company
beautiful park road
Jakarta 16415


request letter items

I've read the letter of demand for your goods on 10 November 2009.

I agree making the proposed house to design a swimming pool.
I will provide funds for the widening of the land for $ 50,000.
and then, I also will provide funds topographic survey will be used for the manufacture of swimming pool for $ 30,000.
I will give approval for the agreement to continue the project with a swimming pool
with a total cost of $ 80,000.
It seems that the demand letter from my goods.

your faithfully

Marc Antony

Kamis, 12 November 2009


our ref : PT/ag
jaya company
scenic park road
jakarta 16415

10 November 2009

corporate partners
road sentosa
jakarta 13560


letter of demand for goods

I've read the letter from you on the 10th October.

making the proposed house
is necessary to enable us to design a swimming pool.
cost for the widening of this land is $ 50,000
Further, we need a topographic survey design in the manufacture of swimming pool.
cost to carry out survey work is $ 30,000.
may we have your consent
to continue the project of the swimming pool with
with a total cost of $ 80,000.
We look forward to your reply.

yours faithfully

esturisa galih
secretary manager

Rabu, 04 November 2009

Splendour in the grass

What though the radiance
which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass
of glory in the flower
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering
In the faith that looks through death
In years that bring the philosophic mind

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009



I had a terrible yesterday.First,I woke up a hour late because my alarm didn't turn on.THEN, I was in such a hurry and then i burned my hand when i was making breakfast.
After,breakfast.I got dressed so quickly so that i forgot to wear a socks.
Next, i ran out of the house. trying to get the 07:15 am to got urban transportation,but i missed it.I wanted to take taxi,but i didn't had enough money.
Finally, I walked the three miles to get to school.I hope,i never have a day as the one i had yesterday.

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009


St. Taman Permai
Depok 16415
20 October 2009

for the honorable
the government

It is letter of complaint, I really must complaint about the separator busway on the street. I am sorry I have to complaint about the separator busway make a result of accident. Because the separator is very dangerous for a motor vehicle even until a car driver. Many of the people the dead make a result the separator busway to damaged.

With the coming of this letter, I hope the government to handle thats all in order to become not detriment by many of the people.



Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Sahabat adalah keperluan jiwa, yang mesti dipenuhi.
Dialah ladang hati, yang kau taburi dengan kasih dan kau tuai dengan penuh rasa terima kasih.
Dan dia pulalah naungan dan pendianganmu.
Kerana kau menghampirinya saat hati lupa dan mencarinya saat jiwa mahu kedamaian.

Bila dia berbicara, mengungkapkan fikirannya, kau tiada takut membisikkan kata “Tidak” di kalbumu sendiri, pun tiada kau menyembunyikan kata “Ya”.
Dan bilamana dia diam,hatimu berhenti dari mendengar hatinya; kerana tanpa ungkapan kata, dalam persahabatan, segala fikiran, hasrat, dan keinginan dilahirkan bersama dan dikongsi, dengan kegembiraan tiada terkirakan.
Di kala berpisah dengan sahabat, tiadalah kau berdukacita;
Kerana yang paling kau kasihi dalam dirinya, mungkin kau nampak lebih jelas dalam ketiadaannya, bagai sebuah gunung bagi seorang pendaki, nampak lebih agung daripada tanah ngarai dataran.

Dan tiada maksud lain dari persahabatan kecuali saling memperkaya roh kejiwaan.
Kerana cinta yang mencari sesuatu di luar jangkauan misterinya, bukanlah cinta , tetapi sebuah jala yang ditebarkan: hanya menangkap yang tiada diharapkan.

Dan persembahkanlah yang terindah bagi sahabatmu.
Jika dia harus tahu musim surutmu, biarlah dia mengenali pula musim pasangmu.
Gerangan apa sahabat itu jika kau sentiasa mencarinya, untuk sekadar bersama dalam membunuh waktu?
Carilah ia untuk bersama menghidupkan sang waktu!
Kerana dialah yang bisa mengisi kekuranganmu, bukan mengisi kekosonganmu.
Dan dalam manisnya persahabatan, biarkanlah ada tawa ria dan berkongsi kegembiraan..
Kerana dalam titisan kecil embun pagi, hati manusia menemui fajar dan ghairah segar kehidupan.